I am very excited to be guest designing today for the wonderful team at Time Out Challenge! They were kind enough to pick my card as the top at the challenge #24 and invited my to guest design!
The theme for Challenge #27 is "Clean and Simple" with an optional twist of "Black and White with a splash of one color". Here is what I made:
Stamps: STAMPloration (feathers and sentiment)
Die: Simon Says Stamp
Now please check out what the fabulous Time Out Design Team created and then play along! Can't wait to see what you come up with!
- The challenge runs until April 1st, 5pm GMT
- Generous sponsor is CASual Friday Stamps. A randomly selected entry that uses the twist will win a $20 gift voucher for this store!
Since I finally used those gorgeous STAMPloration feather stamps I am sending this to their ongoing "Anything Goes" Challenge!

Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you for stopping by and for your encouraging comments.
Oh, this is great Susanne! I love the way you have kept it monochromatic, with that one pop of blue! A great CAS design! Hazel xx
Forgot to say, congratulations on a well deserved guest spot! Hazel xx
We are so pleased to have you as our GD and congrats and with this stunner of a card! I do love the pop of blue plus such a fab idea to co-ordinate this with the strip along the side x
CONGRATS on guest designing, Susanne! Love your feather card! The colors and composition are awesome! Way to rock this challenge!
Congrats on being a guestie!!!! An what a splash of color you created! I certainly will play along with you!
Hi Susanne! Lovely GD card here, congrats!! ... love the blue and you've done a fabulous design...
=] Michele
Gorgeous card, Susanne! Love the vibrant blue and those beautiful feathers. It is so great to have you as a GD at Time Out :)
Congrats on the GD gig at TO! How cool is that?! Love your card. Even though I'm not big on feathers, this one is just beautiful. The blue is the perfect color to compliment the black and white. Really a lovely design. And I did pop in earlier to see what you'd made. I had an idea for another challenge, and it fit for TO too! So thanks! Have a great weekend. bev
Congratulations on the Guest Design spot, Susanne! You have done a brilliant card to inspire us! I'll do my best to get over there and play!! Hugs, Darnell
Herzlichen Glückwunsch ;)))
Ich bin immer wieder beeindruckt, was du so für Ideen hast - tolle Karte ;))
Ganz liebe Grüsse Elisabeth
Super congrats on the GD spot, and your card, featuring those oh-so-pretty feathers has me smiling with delight! Gorgeous! You've showcased them beautifully! I'm inspired to bring mine out! Love your card...
Fabulous, Susanne ... the luscious gold splattered blue feather popped up among the black ones is gorgeous ... and I love that yummy slender side strip! Delighted to have you guest designing with us at Time Out! Anita :)
Congrats for GD post...love your card. The choice of stamp, colours and that tid bit of gold...all just sing together!
I saw the whole of your blog and say that it is beautiful! Such a great card. Lots of great inspiration.
So exciting to have you with us for this challenge!! Your card is amazing, love the feathers, especially the blue one, its gorgeous!! And the panel down the left is so pretty. Can't wait to see what you do this week!
Love your gorgeous feathers card!
Herzlichen Glückunsch zum GD spot! Tolle Karte, die Federn sind hübsch! Der Farbmix gefällt mir auch super!
(hoffe das der Schnee sich bei euch schnell verflüssigt und es auch wärmer bei euch wird!) Lg
WOW! I was looking through the Anything Goes gallery at STAMPlorations and your card just popped right out to me! Stunning design! I'm your latest follower! Would love to have you come for a visit, too! :)
Damsel of Distressed Cards
Will denn heuer der Schnee bei euch gar nicht enden?? - Ist ja ganz schön alles in Weiß aber zu Ostern möchtest du bestimmt auch etwas Frühlingshaftere Temperaturen fühlen!
Deine Federleichte Karte ist ein Augenschmaus!
LG Rosi
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